Saturday, March 21, 2009

Breakfast with Bunny!

This morning we went to have breakfast with the Easter bunny. We got there and found out we had to "hunt" for our breakfast. They had the lawn separated into areas and had the different foods spread out on the grass. Kaylee got such a kick out of picking her own food off the ground. 

After we scavenged for our breakfast, we went inside to eat. She got so excited when the bunny came in! We had to stop eating and go stand in line to take pictures with her. Of course, she was so excited until it was her turn, then she was really shy!  

She also decided she wanted her face painted. I was a little worried she would get half way through and freak out or smear it on her face, but she sat like a big girl and then wore her bunny face proudly. The whole way home she declared herself a bunny and then hopped around the house. They sure are cute at this age!

Karlie had fun too. She had such a great time she slept through the whole thing!


The 4 of us with the Easter Bunny.

Kaylee sportin' her new bunny face. 

Kaylee seeing the bunny for the first time!

Keri and Karlie waiting to see the bunny.

Kaylee hunting for a box of cereal for breakfast. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We took some pictures of Karlie's first St. Patrick's Day. It is hard to believe she was due today and she is almost 5 weeks old! 

Friday, March 13, 2009

Karlie is 1 month old!

Karlie is 1 month old today! I can't believe how fast time is flying! She is holding her head up and can move it side to side when laying on her tummy. She is also starting to stay awake for 30 minutes at a time, which Kaylee loves! She likes to lay on the floor and 'play' with her sister. 

I took the girls to the dr. today and had Karlie weighed. She tipped the scales at 7 lbs 10 oz. I about fell out of the chair. Last week my little peanut was only 6 lbs 6 oz. The doctor was very impressed, to say the least.  

After the dr. the girls got their pictures taken. They turned out really cute and I will post them when I get them next week. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Jumping on the trampoline

Coming to give me a high five!

Jumping in the circle

On Wednesday we went to a trampoline place with the mom's club we belong to. Kaylee had so much fun and got to play with a few friends as well. She loved being able to run, jump on trampolines, and play on the 'squishy' mat (as she called it). She was a little nervous on the trampoline that was 5 feet off the floor, but had a ball on the other equipment. She even did a handstand with the teachers help. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well, it finally happened! Kaylee has hit the independent phase and boy is it fun. Her new word is SELF! She has to do everything by herself and she lets you know it. Today she even wanted to pour a glass of milk out of a full gallon. We now start leaving the house 10 minutes early because she has to climb in the car, get into the car seat and buckle herself in all by SELF!  It's a good thing she is cute! 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm starting to blog!

Since we have family all over the United States, I have decided to start blogging. This way, everyone can keep up with our girls and how they are growing and changing. I am going to try to keep up with it, but if I fall a little behind, forgive me. We are still adjusting to life with 2 kiddos. 

Karlie is now 3 weeks old and is just perfect! I can't believe what a great baby she is. She loves to eat and sleep and smiles away at us. She is still a little peanut, weighing in around 6 1/2 pounds, but is already growing. She is finally starting to outgrow her preemie clothes and is in newborn size diapers! 

Kaylee is turning into such a talker! Her vocabulary grows everyday and she is repeating things we say. Which keeps us on our toes! She loves to help with Karlie and is often the first one to Karlie's bedroom door if she hears her making noise.  Kaylee loves to dance and jump around, especially while singing. She is becoming so independent and is getting close to being able to dress herself. She already has mastered undressing herself!